About me…
From a very young age I was inquisitive and loved to learn. I always had a passion for learning especially in, and about nature. From a young age I enjoyed sharing this passion and facilitating these opportunities with others, this started with pointing a lot!
My Dad would often shout “be careful” but never what of! I started to work this out for myself and over the years have become in an expert in Benefit Risk Assessment. I now share the ‘what of’s’ and techniques for sound precautionary decision making with the children and staff that I work with.
My focus on nature conservation and learning continued. I taught others, firstly, as a youth leader, volunteer ranger, and eventually the Programme Leader to a Residential Outdoor Environmental Eduction initiative with up to 200 children per week and 15 staff to manage.
I remained in the Third sector moving into formal training and the facilitation of education session for marginalised groups and challenging youth.
Next, I moved into the Public sector, qualifying with a distinction in Primary Education and teaching for Clackmannanshire and Falkirk Local Authorities. During my time as a teacher I always explored inventive ways to educate. This led to my class and I winning an enterprise award, when the children organised (with a little help from myself) their school trip to the zoo and made a fictional movie, which was sold to the community and the profits sponsored a Snow Leopard for a year.
I became an education consultant in the Private sector 15 years ago, whilst continuing to teach in the Public sector on occasion. In this role I specialise in Coaching in Context and training staff in a range of subjects (see Services). I work with the Private, Public and Third sectors within this role.
My passion remains to cascade learning and empower others to deliver fantastic learning programmes.