A very varied term so far…

This term started with P7. We decided to explore a habitat that is vital in reducing climate change and flooding, but often overlooked, Peatlands. We created our own native wooden butterflies, made dams for our ‘drainage ditches’ to help reinstate the peat and explored peat’s role in water filtration for our drinking water and reducing floods.

Being an Olympic year, several classes are exploring different aspects of this event. With Primary 6 we made our own mini Parabolic bowls (which light the Olympic torch) from the base of drinks cans and recreated the Olympic ring symbol using dogwood. Primary 5 and Primary 1 made mini Eiffel towers. Primary 5 also tested various skills needed for different sports (Balance, speed, stamina, strength, flexibility). Finally, we had flag relay race!

With P4, we went back in time to explore the Romans, with a little science water cycle/condensation squeezed in through the power of herbal tea (Fennel verses Mint). We made our own Roman wax writing tablets and wrote some numerals on them, we marched to the Roman commands, took a break to drink our tea and capture /condense steam. Then finished off with a section of ‘Antonine wall’ building.

P1/2 were exploring Rainbows and weight. Plus, we had a visit from Education Scotland to look at our good practice in mathematics & numeracy outdoors. The challenge was no sun! so we split artificial light using CDs and wood painted white. Then made a rainbow stick to use in our Rainbow hunt and relay game…

This week, with P6 again we celebrated and explored how brilliant rocks are! Having investigated my rock collection. We created Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous rocks using starburst sediment. Next, we used ‘the nail test’ and some identification keys to try to work out the rocks we had onsite (red sandstone, granite, quartz to name a few). Finally, we explored the properties of some rocks - flint to make a spark and light a fire, slate to write on, Marble to build with or use as a way marker (Cairn), quartz - crazy glow and smell of burnt toast/popcorn… Triboluminescence …..


Supporting class learning - forces, material properties, Australia, Crieff, European Union, trees & the Christmas sale!


THE BIG Challenge- 30 days of Universal/After School Care Project…Jan- March 2024