Supporting class learning - forces, material properties, Australia, Crieff, European Union, trees & the Christmas sale!
Forces & material properties with a few classroom focuses thrown in. This involved toy and game creation, European Union Marble runs, Australian musical instruments and weapons, making butter, water filters, sugar candy, quesadillas, nests and tree boxes, stick men to name but a few experiences this term…
A very varied term so far…
a varied term- Peatland, Olympics, Rainbows, Roman, Weight, Steam/condensation and Rocks!
THE BIG Challenge- 30 days of Universal/After School Care Project…Jan- March 2024
The Glasgow out of school/after School/universal care outdoor project is complete!
End of 2023… autumn, arts/enterprise etc..
Autumn into winter… some of my achievements this year and the last of working with the children for 2023….
It’s the simple things….
The simple things- a stick, a cd, a yoghurt pot, a rope or some wheat grain lead to amazing moments in learning
Educating children about the importance of peatland at the Royal Highland Show for PeatlandACTION / NatureScot
Exploring the importance of peatland to Scotland and how simple action can restore 20% of our land, lock carbon, filter water to stop flooding downstream, as well as create amazing habitats for birdlife and other species in the MESSIEST WAY POSSIBLE.
How many ways can we reuse a plastic bottle?
how many ways can we reuse a plastic bottle- a lot of ways it appears when you leave it to children’s imaginations
Winter into Spring-Plant uses
Plant uses in a range of forms, alongside exploration of micro organisms through fungi & sensory challenges alongside tool introduction with P1
Renewable energy explored this Autumn
exploring wind, solar and water power in relation to indoor themes on electricity
Helping a school with a Polytunnel bid- fingers x
encouraging children to eat healthy means growing veg, harvesting and cooking it with them! high motivator and great learning ….
Exploring wood and STEAM this year …
This term we have been exploring how we can use our wood working skills. We have become experts in using sandpaper, saws, hammers and billhooks (to split our wood). We have created a range of items
A busy August-December 2021. We had very little rain!!
August - December 21 a busy few months with no rain (really)…
A year of supply teaching (Outdoors).
Here is a photo gallery with an explanation of my year supply teaching Outside!
Working with the children and staff in a range of ways during the start of 2021...
working with Scottish Forestry to deliver OWL training in Shelters, Swings and things